"Everyday maths is what I need to learn, so thank you. We need people like you in the community to help people who have struggled with maths in school or whatever"
A student who came to my everyday maths voluntary class at Northolt library in Jun 24. We had spent around 90 minutes figuring out, literally, how to calculate the electricity bill payment, including: working out the days in the charging period, understanding the meaning of "KWh", what the standing charge is, adding VAT at 5%, rounding decimal to 2 places, converting pennies to pounds, and then repeating the whole exercise replacing the supplier's estimate with an actual meter reading. A kaleidoscope of everyday numeracy skills were required just to figure out how much to pay on one bill. See image below for an example of an electricity bill.
“What you’re doing is a really good thing”
EAS-Clarion client who was offered help with numeracy and digital skills
"I have refreshed my every day numeracy in a good level .
Now just I would like to thank you for your hard work , I do appreciated ."
Now just I would like to thank you for your hard work , I do appreciated ."
This EAS-Clarion client had attended several numeracy classes
"It was nothing"
Feedback is not always flattering and some people are not grateful. The student who uttered these words had been coming to my voluntary numeracy classes for a long time. I gave him, and some others, a short course on everyday digital skills, voluntarily. This included setting up an email address for him. I sent and received emails, so it worked. I also gave him instruction on designing a formal letter in Microsoft Word (to send to, for example, the council), and on using Google Translate so he could understand English words in his own language. The course lasted around 4 weeks (4 classes). I don't think I shall ever forget his feedback. It wasn't said maliciously (I don't think so) which makes it even more shocking.
"Thank you for all you do"
Customer who attended a welfare benefits check at Ealing Advice Service after being told about free classes being offered to help improve customers' everyday numeracy and digital skills.
"You guys are so great"
'You pick things that most people are quietly struggling with. My numeracy skills were a gap there so you ring me now this is very strange.' A customer's response (not verbatim, but a faithful reflection of what he meant) when he was called to see if he's interested in free help on offer from Ealing Advice Service to improve his everyday numeracy and digital skills, and with CV preparation . He was especially interested in transferring his hand paintings onto a computer. Maybe then, he'll market them, then will sell a few and so make some money.
"Thank you so much for your kindness"
Customer who was called to see if they're interested in free classes offered by Ealing Advice Service to help improve customers' everyday numeracy and digital skills, and help with CV preparation.
"What you're doing is a really good thing"
Comment from customer to free classes to improve his everyday numeracy and digital skills, offered by Ealing Advice Services. Though interested, his health prevented him from attending classes.
"this is good. This is marvellous. Thank you for that"
EAS client who was being shown subtraction, to calculate the change owed from £20 tendered to pay for items bought.
"Thank you for all you do"; "You guys are so great"; "Thank you so much for your kindness"; "What you're doing is a really good thing"
Feedback from four clients contacted in the EAS-Clarion project to help them improve their everyday numeracy and everyday digital skills, and their CV
Thank you so.much, greatly appreciated. ""
I offered to help an EAS-Clarion client learn a) how to use her laptop, and b) everyday numeracy.
"Oh very good and professional CV. I appreciate it."
As part of the EAS-Clarion project, I had spent several hours editing and formatting this person's CV so she could get a job in the personal care sector.
"Hi Permjit, This is an incredibly comprehensive and detailed report - thank you!"
"I am going to summarise and include this in... [a] press bulletin as I think it is important to show the incredibly hard work and dedication that you have put in over the past 6 months"
I had delivered many face-to-face classes to people who visited the Lido Center in West Ealing enquiring about benefits or other help. The classes were on everyday numeracy, but were expanded to also offer help with digital skills and preparing a CV.
I had delivered many face-to-face classes to people who visited the Lido Center in West Ealing enquiring about benefits or other help. The classes were on everyday numeracy, but were expanded to also offer help with digital skills and preparing a CV.
a) "Received, thank you. Everything is fine. Thank u so much for always helping me, I appreciate it."
b) "Thank you Singh for always helping me. I appreciate it. Have a nice day."
b) "Thank you Singh for always helping me. I appreciate it. Have a nice day."
I have helped this person in many ways over an extended period: initially with preparing a CV (the quote a few rows above is from her about the CV I prepared for her), then showing her how to use Excel, then with her anxiety and panic symptoms, including finding organisations that might help (such as Samaritans and BeFriend and Shaw Trust) and visiting her in a London hospital, then drafting emails to send to her former employer or potential employers, then (which is what quote a) above refers to) for creating an invoice in Word that she can then send to a client for work she had done. She has found employment so all her effort has paid off and she is taking medication for her anxiety. Most recently, I have again forwarded details to her of recruitment events organised by the local Job Center that she might find useful (quote b) above is her feedback on this).