Trans-national murder of Sikhs
A video about the murder of Canadian Sikh, Hardeep Singh, and the allegation that his assasination was one of multiple trans-national assassinations or attempted assasinations, of Sikhs, orchestrated by the Modi government. The video also links trans-national assassinations to the 1984 genocide of Sikhs, and to the thousands of extra-judicial murders of Sikhs across the Punjab in the decades after 1984.
See this video for another example of how governments (this time, the Australian government, in the video above, it was the US government) choose to look the other way to, it seems to me, prioritise their economic and geopolitical interests.
See this video for another example of how governments (this time, the Australian government, in the video above, it was the US government) choose to look the other way to, it seems to me, prioritise their economic and geopolitical interests.
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