How can invoice finance help landlords? Permjit singh Treasury Consultant finds outThe FT reports that retail and hospitality landlords have suffered cashflow shortages during the pandemic, but office space landlords continue to get their rents from tenants whose offices even though their offices are empty because of homeworking.
For both types of landlords and retail and hospitality landlords especially, invoice finance is not an option to generate cashflow. That is basically because their business models do not involve regular issues of invoices for payment of rent, says Cash for Invoices Limited - the single invoice buyer. Invoice finance is a readily-available source of cash for working capital to businesses that trade on credit, meaning they issue invoices to their customers for future payment of goods and services sold. Asset securitisation would be an option for the bigger landlords. Cash for Invoices Limited of London offers a simple, transparent and flexible invoice finance service that helps the SME or sole trader get the essential cash they need. To find out more contact Cash for Invoices Limited here. Comments are closed.